My current PhD research is a spatial study of the silk craft production networks in Kashan and its hinterland during the nineteenth century. Kashan is an old city in central Iran. The silk textile production has been among the most important livelihoods of Kashan inhabitants, at least from the heyday of the craft in the early seventeenth century under the Safavids, to the inception of modernized wool and cotton textile industries at the time of Reza Shah Pahlavi in the early twentieth century. The study will consider buildings, places, urban spaces, natural areas, and social structures that were involved in the production of silken textiles in Kashan from the raw materials to the finished fabrics. I consider all above as a network of various actors (or agents). Their interactions are embodied by the silk craft landscape of Kashan. I apply various methods in my data collection. I particularly do archival research to find primary sources, such as manuscripts (e.g. vaqfnamas, local governmental orders, trading reports, deeds) to enrich my historical narrative and support my arguments. Another primary source is oral history, which is helpful to consolidate the social history of the study. Other primary sources include published travelogues and memoirs. Besides this, I extensively rely on field-work.